What is Rubber Sheeting?

Definition: Rubber Sheeting is a process of spatial transformation that allows a distorted layer to be seamlessly attached to the adjacent geographic layer of a matched image. In another way it’s defined, Rubber sheeting is a process in which the size and geographical location of an object can be transforming in a non-uniform manner. Most of the time rubber sheeting helps in converting unknown coordinates in GIS data sets to known coordinate systems.

Why using Rubber Sheeting?

The two data sets do not match geometrically. One of the data sets is unknown.Geometric distortions usually occur in source data. Imperfect registration in map composition, lack of geodetic control in data and others causes are involved in geometric distortions in the source data. In this situation rubber sheeting is required to make small geometric adjustments in source data.

HOW Rubber Sheeting works?

Rubber Sheeting process is done in some simple steps-i) identify related points in the two data sets. ii) Connecting the corresponding points by a vector. iii) Drag and drop the lesser known data set points until all vectors have been reduced to zero.

Two temporary TIN-like structures have been created for the source and target data layers using triangles in Thiessen Polygons / Delaunay constructed from the control point. Each corner of the triangle has X, Y, Z coordinate. Here triangle corner assigned as a node. Each node has XY locations and Z value. Where the Z value represents the amount of adjustment between the end of a link (source) and the end (target).  Two interpolation methods used in the rubber sheeting adjustment one is linear and another is natural neighbor.


Software uses:-

                           ArcGIS 8.3, ArcMap9.2,QGIS, AutoCAD Map 3D, etc.





Definition: Edge matching is a spatial editing method that ensures that all features across the sheets of the adjacent map are on the same edge locations.


Significant characteristics: -

i) The Edge Match tool lets you create displacement links that connect the ends of two   adjacent layers.

 ii) The less accurate feature layer is adjusted, while the adjacent layer is used as the control.


Example: In the GIS database, when you have two counties with disconnected lines at the borders of digital map, you should use the edge matching tools to connect them. In this operation Links are used when matching features in adjacent coverages.

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